About Me

Hi, my name is Jiwon Park and I'm an aspiring software engineer from New Jersey! I'm currently a junior at Purdue University pursuing Bachelor's of science in Computer Science. I'm a passionate person who loves to program, play games, perform card tricks, travel around the world for good food, and entertain people.

However, the major interest that I pursued was programming. Why? My passion for programming grew ever since I was a kid due to the influence of my brother. I have 2 brothers, one twin brother, and one older brother. All 3 of us always loved computers, new technology, and new games. My older brother was the pivot of our technology obsession and my twin brother and I followed. As my older brother graduated from college, he started working as a software engineer and my twin and I started to pursue the same path.

I am constantly putting lots of effort in learning new things that is challenging and making something creative and practical that will make life easier for everyone. I am also looking for a Software Engineer New Grad role for summer 2025.

If you are interested, check out my github!